Hi, I'm Fadhel.
I have previously worked for a few companies
as a freelance and full-time front end developer.
In the midst of disruption across industries from the digital natives, EDTS was born with a mission to democratize digital technology. Since 2019, EDTS has become the Digital Center of Excellence of Salim Group. Equipped with digital and technology experts from various industries.
The Largest Integrated Fisheries Commerce in Indonesia. Making The Sea a Better Livelihood For All.
A company that is riding the coattails of this rise is Good Doctor Technology,
a joint venture health-tech company between Ping An Healthcare and Technology,
Grab and ソフトバンク(SoftBank)
Create Package/UI Library Component with Lerna, Rollup, React.js (Monorepo)
Setup deployment for Storybook using GitLab-CI & PM2 to EC2 AWS Server
Setup deployment with pm2, nginx, and aws
Develop Payment for cross-platform (iOS and Android) with Micro-frontend method (Webpack 5)
Research latest tech-stack
Deployment with Pm2 + AWS Server and Docker + Kubernetes
Develop and Maintain web application
Trace error with Sentry and New Relic
Create guidelines for other frontend engineers
Improve SEO & Accessibility score from 70 to 100 in Lighthouse
Implement Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) on Homepage and
Product detail page
Implement Server Side Rendering (SSR) and Client Side Rendering (CSR)
on several pages
Create RSS Feed for data analytics in Next.js
Create reusable components with Monorepo using Lerna
Integrate API and Create API Proxy using Fetch API, API routes
Next.js, and Redux-saga
Setup and develop Map with realtime data using Next.js
Slicing UI from Figma to Web using Ant Design
Integrate API using Fetch API and state management with React Context
Develop Marketplace using Next.js
Slicing UI from Figma to Web using Ant Design
Integrate API using Fetch API and state management with Redux-saga
Web Development with React, SWR, Chakra UI and Zustand
Web Development with Next.js (React.js) + React Context
Implementing UI Design from Figma to Bootstrap, HighChart, Antd (Slicing)
SIASN Instansi BKN
Dashboard Keluarga Sehat Kemenkes
Web development with native stack (HTML & CSS) + Bootstrap
Develop custom on scroll animation with AOS.js
Magna Cum Laude Honor - GPA 3.75/4.0
I'm not good enough in school
Look what I've
Build with Tailwind, Astro, and Aos.js
Tech Stack:
PM2, Next.js, Antd, Leaflet
Tech Stack:
Next.js, React.js, Redux, Redux-saga
Tech Stack:
React, SWR, Chakra UI and Zustand
Tech Stack:
Next.Js, Bootstrap 5, HighChart, and React Context
Tech Stack:
bootstrap and aos.js